Cycling Week highlights the joys of cycling 6–15 May 2022

6–15 May 2022, The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Cycling Week will showcase the joys of cycling through a wide selection of events. During the week, cycling commuters will be served breakfast, bicycles’ condition will be assessed, and the need for safe cycling conditions for the whole family will be emphasised. Later in the week, summertime cycling tours will be planned together.
The free and low-threshold events welcome cyclists of all ages and levels. You do not need to have your own bike to participate, city bikes are an adequate option. There will also be plenty of events online.
Cycling Week, which will be held nationally for the 32nd time, continues to be a diverse selection of joyful cycling events. Opening event of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Cycling Week on Saturday 7 May will take place in Kansalaistori Square, Helsinki. Trash Hero DJs will provide the music for the event. In addition to the exciting atmosphere, the event will also have a free bike inspection service and information about the traffic rules concerning cyclists. The opening event will be crowned by a Kidical Mass bike parade demanding safe cycling conditions and a concert by Maestro Ruscello e Gruppo Velocita during a bicycle picnic.
During the weekdays, Helsinki Region Cyclists and the association’s partners will provide commuting cyclists with breakfasts in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. In addition to the breakfasts, there will also be other activities, from a bicycle trip for families to information about traveling by bike, local orienteering, and social media program. Even though the programme is focused on spreading information about the diversity and joys of cycling, the more serious issues will not be excluded from the conversation.
“The Cycling Week events will offer information about how our bicycle culture is evolving and how cities are developed to be more bicycle friendly. Getting to places by bike is increasingly attractive,” says Henni Ahvenlampi, executive manager of Helsinki Region Cyclists.
The aim of both the Helsinki Metropolitan Area cities and the Bicycle Week events is to encourage people to cycle and increase the use of bicycles in all traveling. We encourage people to consider their options when moving from one place to another. It is important to improve people’s awareness of the benefits cycling has and to enhance cycling’s position in our traffic culture.
“It is great how cycling already is, especially during the summer, a very natural part of the city traffic. And while cycling is for many people an important hobby, it also has a significant role in the development of sustainable city traffic,” Ahvenlampi explains.
The Cycling Week in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is coordinated by Helsinki Region Cyclists (Hepo). The week’s events will be organised in cooperation with the cities of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo, Helsinki Region Transport (HSL), and other operators in the bicycle sector. Hepo volunteers will also contribute to the event.
At all Cycling Week events, you can participate in the Helsinki Region Cyclists’ campaign for recruiting of members. Those who become members by 22 September 2022 will be included in a prize draw for two electrically-assisted Helkama bikes (value up to €3,199). The draw will take place on 26 September 2022.
The events and activities will be announced at hepo.fi/pyorailyviikko/ and on Hepo’s Facebook page events.
Tulevat tapahtumat
Ke 12.3. klo 17:00 – 19:00
Hallituksen kokous
Ma 24.3. klo 17:00 – 19:00
Tervetuloa Hepon vaikuttamisryhmän kokoukseen Polkimolle 24.3. klo 17-19!
Keskustelemme ajankohtaisista pyöräliikenteeseen liittyvistä aiheista.
Esityslistan luonnos:
Hepon vaikuttamisryhmä suunnittelee ja toteuttaa yhdistyksen vaikuttamistoimintaa yhdistyksen kokouksien vetämien suuntaviivojen mukaisesti. Vaikuttamisryhmä laatii kannanottoja, kommentteja, mielipidekirjoituksia ja blogeja yhdistyksen puolesta. Lisäksi vaikuttamisryhmä tapaa virkamiehiä ja poliitikkoja, toteuttaa kampanjoita ja tarvittaessa mielenosoituksiakin. Työ tehdään pääasiassa vapaaehtoispohjalta.
Paikka: Iso Roobertinkatu 3-5 Sisäpihan/porttikongin kautta sisään, summeri "Kuvasto, Suomen Taiteilijaseura, Pyöräliitto, Pyöräilykuntien verkosto" 2. Krs.
Tapaamiseen voi osallistua etäyhteydellä tämän linkin kautta: meet.google.com/dkn-koio-fiu
Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/dkn-koio-fiu
Or dial: (FI) +358 9 85691665 PIN: 424243119#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/dkn-koio-fiu?pin=7783038037443&hs=7
Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
Ma 14.4. klo 17:00 – 19:00
Hallituksen kokous
Ke 23.4. klo 18:00 – 20:00
Hepon kevätkokous
Hepon sääntömääräinen kevätkokous pidetään keskiviikkona 23.4.2024 kello 18 alkaen toimistollamme Polkimolla (Iso Roobertikatu 3-5 A 22, 2. krs, summeri "Kuvasto, Suomen Taiteilijaseura, Pyöräliitto, Pyöräilykuntien verkosto").
Kokouksessa käsitellään sääntöjen mukaiset asiat, kuten vuoden 2024 tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus. Kokousta voi seurata ja keskusteluun osallistua etänä, mutta päätöksentekoon voi osallistua ainoastaan paikan päällä.
Kokouksen seuraaminen etäyhteydellä tästä linkistä: meet.google.com/qnb-gbis-nvu
Kokouksen jälkeen on mahdollisuus myös vapaamuotoiseen keskusteluun. Lämpimästi tervetuloa tutustumaan yhdistyksen toimintaan ja tapaamaan Hepon aktiiveja!
Tapahtuma Facebookissa: https://fb.me/e/2vblptjFp Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qnb-gbis-nvu Or dial: (FI) +358 9 23132695 PIN: 587180724# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/qnb-gbis-nvu?pin=8786413506333&hs=7 Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720