
Be inspired to get into cycling by touring quality bicycle parking infrastructure in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area!

The bicycle parking-themed orienteering is a cycling event in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area which inspires to explore the city. The event encourages local tourism and is suitable for participants of all ages who are looking for interesting new activities for this spring and summer. You can participate according to your own schedule, either with your own bike or a city bike. The bicycle parking-themed orienteering is part of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Cycling Week which takes place on 5–14 May 2023. The Cycling Week is brought to you by our partners: the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa, as well as HSY and HSL. 

Every cycling trip begins and ends at bicycle parking. Moreover, bicycle parking is also often needed en route. The bicycle parking infrastructure in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area has been improved in recent years and now is the time to learn more about what quality bicycle parking is and, more importantly, where to find it.  

What is quality bicycle parking? 

As a rule of thumb, bicycle parking provides at least the same level of service as car parking in a destination. Lit undercover parking situated in a prominent location near a destination where bikes can be frame locked is not only effective at reducing thefts but also promotes and shows appreciation for cycling. Well-designed bicycle parking is suited for cargo bikes, trailers and wide-wheeled mountain bikes alike. In the best case, good bicycle parking encourages people to cycle which is why it is worth investing in.  

Who has selected the destinations for the bicycle parking-themed orienteering?  

Members of Helsinki Region Cyclists (Hepo) have selected the orienteering destinations. Residents of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area as well as local tourists will experience the joy of cycling and obtain useful information by touring the best bicycle parking locations in bicycle parking-themed orienteering.  

Who is responsible for bicycle parking? 

Providing bicycle parking is not the sole responsibility of cities. Other parties are also involved and cooperation is required. For this reason, the bicycle parking-themed orienteering also includes destinations suggested by Helsinki Region Cyclists, such as shopping centres as well as examples of quality bicycle parking solutions at workplaces. Workplaces, shopping centres, housing companies, businesses and various other service providers as well as the state in different roles are all needed to provide cyclists, the customers, with quality bicycle parking.  

Go on a trip to wash a bike or do some laid-back shopping 

Bicycle parking-themed orienteering makes local adventuring easy and diverse. The aim is to have the event encourage people of all ages to cycle on their own terms and to provide families with new ideas about exploring the environment around their homes. The Hepo website (hepo.fi/pyorapysakointisuunnistus/) has a list of all checkpoints, which makes adventuring in an urban environment easy. The entire checkpoints route is 90 kilometres long, and it is recommended that you turn it into a two-day trip or divide it into smaller pieces according to, for example, city districts. If you wish, you can participate by choosing only the checkpoints that interest you. 

“The aim of the event is to provide information about the best current bicycle parking locations in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area which make cycling lifestyle easier and more appealing. You can find bicycle washing facilities, heated bicycle parking and the best parking solutions near stations. We hope that the participants fall in love with the ease of cycling and make it part of their everyday lives after the event,” says Henni Ahvenlampi, Executive Director of Hepo.

Visit the destinations and choose your favourite 

Visit hepo.fi/pyorapysakointisuunnistus/ to read the introductions for each of the 18 intriguing destinations. Once you have visited the destinations, please consider voting for your favourite: https://forms.gle/Y6J4Rqsw7TiF7vnt8 

The voting results will be published in June on the hepo.fi website. 

Destinations of the bicycle parking-themed orienteering: 


1. Shopping Centre Tripla heated bicycle parking and bicycle washing facilities, entry through the middle of the Pasilansilta bridge
2. Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd bicycle parking hall, Kalasatama metro station 
3. Weatherproof parking solution for shared cargo bikes, Asunto Oy Katajaharjuntie 17 
4. Shopping Centre Kaari, Kantelettarentie 1 
5. Shopping Centre Arabia bicycle parking, Kotisaarenkatu 1, courtyard 
6. Tapanila train station park-and-ride parking, Fallkullantie overpass


7. Shopping Centre Lippulaiva heated bicycle parking and bicycle washing facilities, Espoonlahdenkatu 8 
8. Shopping Centre Ainoa undercover bicycle parking, Länsituuli 5 
9. Leppävaara train station underpass bicycle parking 
10. Ramboll Finland office visitor parking, Itsehallintokuja 3 
11. Shopping Centre Entresse bicycle parking, parking hall, Siltakatu 11 
12. Espoo Centre S-market bicycle parking, Siltakatu 11 


13. Tikkurila train station heated bicycle parking, train station underpass 
14. Vantaankoski train station undercover park-and-ride parking 
15. Hiekkaharju train station undercover park-and-ride parking 
16. Iskostori bicycle parking, Myyrmäki, Iskoskuja 3A 
17. Jokiniemi school bicycle parking, Valkoisenlähteentie 51 
18. Tikkurila centre roadside parking, Asematie 6

Bicycle parking-themed orienteering is part of the Cycling Week in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area coordinated by Helsinki Region Cyclists (Hepo). The week’s events will be organised in cooperation with the cities of Helsinki, Vantaa and Espoo, HSY and HSL, as well as other operators in the cycling sector. Hepo volunteers will also contribute to the event. 

More information:
Taija Timonen
Producer, Helsinki Region Cyclists
+358 50 0877 877

Henni Ahvenlampi
Executive Director, Helsinki Region Cyclists
+358 41 3191002

Tulevat tapahtumat

Ke 12.3. klo 17:00 – 19:00

Hallituksen kokous

Ma 24.3. klo 17:00 – 19:00


Tervetuloa Hepon vaikuttamisryhmän kokoukseen Polkimolle 24.3. klo 17-19!

Keskustelemme ajankohtaisista pyöräliikenteeseen liittyvistä aiheista.

Esityslistan luonnos:

Hepon vaikuttamisryhmä suunnittelee ja toteuttaa yhdistyksen vaikuttamistoimintaa yhdistyksen kokouksien vetämien suuntaviivojen mukaisesti. Vaikuttamisryhmä laatii kannanottoja, kommentteja, mielipidekirjoituksia ja blogeja yhdistyksen puolesta. Lisäksi vaikuttamisryhmä tapaa virkamiehiä ja poliitikkoja, toteuttaa kampanjoita ja tarvittaessa mielenosoituksiakin. Työ tehdään pääasiassa vapaaehtoispohjalta.

Paikka: Iso Roobertinkatu 3-5 Sisäpihan/porttikongin kautta sisään, summeri "Kuvasto, Suomen Taiteilijaseura, Pyöräliitto, Pyöräilykuntien verkosto" 2. Krs.

Tapaamiseen voi osallistua etäyhteydellä tämän linkin kautta:  meet.google.com/dkn-koio-fiu Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/dkn-koio-fiu Or dial: (FI) +358 9 85691665 PIN: 424243119# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/dkn-koio-fiu?pin=7783038037443&hs=7 Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720

Ma 14.4. klo 17:00 – 19:00

Hallituksen kokous

Ke 23.4. klo 18:00 – 20:00

Hepon kevätkokous

Hepon sääntömääräinen kevätkokous pidetään keskiviikkona 23.4.2024 kello 18 alkaen toimistollamme Polkimolla (Iso Roobertikatu 3-5 A 22, 2. krs, summeri "Kuvasto, Suomen Taiteilijaseura, Pyöräliitto, Pyöräilykuntien verkosto").

Kokouksessa käsitellään sääntöjen mukaiset asiat, kuten vuoden 2024 tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus. Kokousta voi seurata ja keskusteluun osallistua etänä, mutta päätöksentekoon voi osallistua ainoastaan paikan päällä.

Kokouksen seuraaminen etäyhteydellä tästä linkistä: 

Kokouksen jälkeen on mahdollisuus myös vapaamuotoiseen keskusteluun. Lämpimästi tervetuloa tutustumaan yhdistyksen toimintaan ja tapaamaan Hepon aktiiveja!

Tapahtuma Facebookissa: https://fb.me/e/2vblptjFp Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qnb-gbis-nvu Or dial: (FI) +358 9 23132695 PIN: 587180724# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/qnb-gbis-nvu?pin=8786413506333&hs=7 Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720

Ke 14.5. klo 17:00 – 19:00

Hallituksen kokous
